List of new CPAN distributions in 2023

dist author abstract date
AI-Embedding BOD Perl module for working with text embeddings using various APIs 2023-05-30T11:02:58
ANSI-Palette LNATION The great new ANSI::Palette! 2023-02-19T08:11:12
API-Vultr RAWLEYFOW A simple interface to the Vultr v2 API 2023-09-15T20:40:36
Acme-CPANAuthors-InMostCPANAuthors PERLANCAR Authors who are listed in Acme::CPANAuthors::* the most 2023-11-28T05:36:57
Acme-CPANAuthorsBundle-CPAN-Streaks PERLANCAR A collection of Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::* modules 2023-11-25T06:53:34
Acme-CPANModules-CPANAuthors PERLANCAR List of Acme::CPANAUthors::* modules 2023-11-28T04:30:10
Acme-CPANModules-Clipboard PERLANCAR List of modules that interact with clipboard 2023-09-17T00:06:08
Acme-CPANModules-CountryCodes PERLANCAR List of modules related to country codes 2023-09-10T00:05:33
Acme-CPANModules-CryptingPassword PERLANCAR List of modules/tools to crypt/hash a password 2023-07-21T02:52:42
Acme-CPANModules-FireDiamond PERLANCAR List of modules related to fire diamond (NFPA 704 standard) 2023-12-10T00:05:29
Acme-CPANModules-LanguageCodes PERLANCAR List of modules related to language codes 2023-10-24T00:05:22
Acme-CPANModules-Locale-ID PERLANCAR List of modules related to the Indonesian locale (language, country) 2023-11-12T00:06:19
Acme-CPANModules-MIMETypes PERLANCAR List of modules to work with MIME types 2023-06-30T10:11:43
Acme-CPANModules-NumberRange PERLANCAR List of modules that handle number ranges 2023-10-29T00:05:11
Acme-CPANModules-OrderedHash PERLANCAR List of modules that provide ordered hash data type 2023-10-06T09:57:14
Acme-CPANModules-OrderingAndRunningTasks PERLANCAR List of modules/tools to order multiple tasks (with possible interdependency) and running them (possibly in parallel) 2023-12-20T06:50:14
Acme-CPANModules-PERLANCAR-PluginSystem PERLANCAR List of my modules/frameworks which use a particular plugin system style 2023-07-23T14:47:32
Acme-CPANModules-PERLANCAR-Unused PERLANCAR List of my modules which I am not currently using (and installing) 2023-07-06T00:50:43
Acme-CPANModules-RequireHooks PERLANCAR List of modules that utilize require() hook 2023-10-01T00:06:00
Acme-CPANModules-Sampling PERLANCAR List of modules to sample items from a list 2023-08-11T00:05:10
Acme-CPANModules-SmartMatch PERLANCAR List of modules to do smart matching 2023-11-05T00:05:29
Acme-CPANModules-TableData PERLANCAR List of modules related to TableData 2023-12-29T07:38:30
Acme-CPANModules-TemporaryChdir PERLANCAR List of modules to change directory temporarily 2023-12-15T05:04:45
Acme-CPANModules-WorkingWithDOC PERLANCAR List of modules to work with text document formats (DOC, DOCX, ODT) 2023-12-04T08:32:53
Acme-CPANModules-WorkingWithPDF PERLANCAR List of modules to work with Excel formats (XLS, XLSX) or other spreadsheet formats like LibreOffice Calc (ODS) 2023-12-04T08:33:05
Acme-Cow HADFL Talking barnyard animals (or ASCII art in general) 2023-07-24T19:28:17
Acme-DTUCKWELL-Utils DTUCKWELL The great new Acme::DTUCKWELL::Utils! 2023-11-03T08:58:51
Acme-DTUCKWELL-Utils DTUCKWELL The great new Acme::DTUCKWELL::Utils! 2023-11-03T09:09:20
Acme-DTUCKWELL-Utils DTUCKWELL The great new Acme::DTUCKWELL::Utils! 2023-11-03T09:18:59
Acme-Matrix LNATION Heavenly digital rain 2023-02-16T16:53:43
Acme-MetaSyntactic-3rd_rock PERLANCAR Characters from the sitcom 3rd Rock From The Sun (1996-2001) 2023-07-02T01:13:30
Acme-MetaSyntactic-always_sunny PERLANCAR Characters from the sitcom It's Always Sunny In Philadephia (2005-) 2023-08-04T00:05:29
Acme-MetaSyntactic-breaking_bad PERLANCAR Characters from the TV show Breaking Bad (2008-2013) 2023-07-02T01:13:41
Acme-MetaSyntactic-corner_gas PERLANCAR Characters from the sitcom Corner Gas (2004-2009) 2023-07-02T01:13:52
Acme-MetaSyntactic-newsradio PERLANCAR Characters from the sitcom Newsradio (1995-1999) 2023-02-18T10:26:03
Acme-MetaSyntactic-not_going_out PERLANCAR Characters from the britcom Not Going Out (2006-) 2023-10-06T00:05:31
Acme-MetaSyntactic-schitts_creek PERLANCAR Characters from the sitcom Schitt's Creek (2015-2020) 2023-07-02T01:14:03
Acme-MyFirstModule-BDFOY BDFOY The great new Acme::MyFirstModule::BDFOY! 2023-03-09T00:24:03
Acme-NameChangeTEST NEILB module for testing module name changes in PAUSE 2023-05-11T10:40:34
Acme-NameChangeTest NEILB module for testing module name changes in PAUSE 2023-05-11T09:13:48
Acme-No-MakefilePL-No-BuildPL CONTRA Module for testing CPAN 2023-05-04T09:20:21
Acme-Onion KFLY .🧅 file extension in Perl. 2023-05-06T10:44:13
Acme-PERLANCAR-Test-Require PERLANCAR Modules to test require() 2023-12-06T12:35:01
Acme-Stack SISYPHUS Silly XS stack manipulations 2023-10-12T13:13:18
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithRootdir GARU 2023-04-27T14:30:03
Acme-Testing-BadPackages-WithoutRootdir GARU 2023-04-27T14:28:36
Acme-Thing PERLANCAR Represent anything as Perl (CPAN) module 2023-11-26T00:06:07
AcmeTestingBadPackagesWithoutRootdir GARU 2023-04-28T07:15:05
Aion DART a postmodern object system for Perl 5, as Moose and Moo, but with improvements 2023-09-28T16:07:20
Aion-Carp DART added stacktrace to exceptions 2023-09-08T10:07:52
Aion-Format DART Perl extension for formatting numbers, colorizing output and so on 2023-10-30T16:22:40
Aion-Fs DART utilities for filesystem: read, write, find, replace files, etc 2023-10-07T00:35:00
Aion-Query DART functional interface for accessing database mysql and mariadb 2023-11-01T09:14:33
Aion-Spirit DART functions for controlling the program execution process 2023-10-22T12:49:16
Aion-Surf DART surfing by internet 2023-10-26T09:42:49
Aion-Telemetry DART measures the time the program runs between specified points 2023-11-01T12:23:16
Algorithm-Line-Lerp JMATES 2D grid line drawing via linear interpolation 2023-06-14T01:45:30
Alien-CPython3 ZMUGHAL Find or build Python 2023-02-14T09:03:20
Alien-CXC-param DJERIUS Build and Install the CIAO cxcparam library 2023-08-17T22:33:57
Alien-Deno ZMUGHAL Find or build Deno 2023-02-14T09:43:22
Alien-FluentBit NERDVANA and fluent-bit commandline tool 2023-04-20T09:20:35
Alien-Font-Vera BRAMOS Perl access to Vera ttf font 2023-01-29T11:10:24
Alien-Go ZMUGHAL Find or build Go 2023-02-14T09:22:54
Alien-Jena ZMUGHAL Find or build Jena semantic web library 2023-12-13T01:40:57
Alien-Jena-Fuseki ZMUGHAL Find or build Jena Fuseki 2023-12-13T01:41:08
Alien-LLVM ZMUGHAL Find or build LLVM 2023-02-14T09:20:09
Alien-Nodejs ZMUGHAL Find or build Node.js 2023-02-14T09:41:20
Alien-OpenJDK ZMUGHAL Find or build OpenJDK 2023-02-14T09:06:06
Alien-PlantUML ZMUGHAL Find or build PlantUML diagram generator 2023-12-13T01:29:09
Alien-Ruby NHUBBARD Alien package for the Ruby programming language 2023-08-21T03:30:10
Alien-Rust ZMUGHAL Find or build Rust 2023-02-14T09:39:53
Alien-SDL3 SANKO Build and install SDL3 2023-06-05T18:04:19
Alien-SeqAlignment-edlib CHRISARG Provide the static, dynamic libraries and CLI (non-Windows) of the edlib aligner 2023-09-02T23:51:50
Alien-SeqAlignment-parasail CHRISARG Provide the static, dynamic libraries and CLI of the parasail aligner 2023-09-04T13:19:29
Alien-Serd ZMUGHAL Find or build Serd RDF processor 2023-11-09T18:38:12
Alien-Sord ZMUGHAL Find or build Sord in-memory RDF store 2023-11-12T02:07:33
Alien-Tarql ZMUGHAL Find or build Tarql (SPARQL for Tables) 2023-12-13T01:41:19
Alien-YAMLScript INGY Program in YAML 2023-12-29T00:20:36
Alien-Zig ZMUGHAL Find or build Zig 2023-02-14T09:21:35
Alien-hdt_cpp ZMUGHAL Find or build hdt-cpp (RDF binary format library) 2023-11-12T04:34:33
Alien-hdt_java ZMUGHAL Find or build hdt-java (RDF binary format library) 2023-12-13T01:39:30
Alien-innoextract ZMUGHAL Find or build innoextract 2023-02-16T05:03:53
Alien-libgs1encoders HANGY Build and install libgs1encoders, a C-based GS1 barcode parser 2023-08-17T21:17:02
Alien-libpopt SKIM Find or download and install popt library 2023-06-24T06:07:45
Alien-librpm SKIM Find or download and install rpm library 2023-06-23T16:34:31
Alien-pandoc ZMUGHAL Find or build pandoc universal document converter 2023-12-13T01:27:43
Alien-parasail CHRISARG Install the parasail aligner shared libraries for use with (Bio)Perl. 2023-08-25T04:22:55
Alien-xmake SANKO Locate, Download, or Build and Install xmake 2023-10-02T22:09:33
Alien-zix ZMUGHAL Find or build Zix C99 data structure library 2023-11-09T17:56:33
Alt-Sub-Delete-NewPackageSeparator PERLANCAR Alternate implementation of Sub::Delete which replaces the old package separator with new 2023-12-01T04:00:30
AnyEvent-KVStore EINHVERFR A pluggable key-value store API for AnyEvent 2023-11-15T01:45:31
AnyEvent-KVStore-Etcd EINHVERFR An Etcd driver for AnyEvent::KVStore 2023-11-18T03:34:41
AnyEvent-MPV MLEHMANN remote control mpv ( 2023-03-19T23:26:17
Apache2-API JDEGUEST Apache2 API Framework 2023-06-06T23:54:38
App-APA RWP Access APA News via RSS 2023-02-16T11:39:42
App-ActivityPubClient LANODAN CLI-based client / toolbox for ActivityPub Client-to-Server 2023-04-04T15:54:04
App-AdditivesUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to food additives 2023-02-05T09:40:33
App-ApClient LANODAN CLI-based client / toolbox for ActivityPub Client-to-Server 2023-03-27T13:24:41
App-ApClient LANODAN CLI-based client / toolbox for ActivityPub Client-to-Server 2023-04-04T15:28:44
App-ArduinoBuilder MATHIAS Build system for Arduino programs 2023-04-24T22:08:03
App-BPOMUtils-Additives PERLANCAR Utilities related to food additives in BPOM 2023-02-05T00:05:16
App-BPOMUtils-RPO-Checker PERLANCAR Various checker utilities to help with Processed Food Registration (RPO – Registrasi Pangan Olahan) at BPOM 2023-02-11T04:07:22
App-BPOMUtils-Table PERLANCAR Some utilities providing table data related to BPOM 2023-02-05T00:37:21
App-BPOMUtils-Table-FoodAdditive PERLANCAR List additives in BPOM processed food division 2023-02-13T13:26:53
App-BPOMUtils-Table-FoodCategory PERLANCAR List food categories in BPOM processed food division 2023-02-13T13:27:04
App-BPOMUtils-Table-FoodIngredient PERLANCAR List ingredients in BPOM processed food division 2023-02-13T13:27:15
App-BPOMUtils-Table-FoodType PERLANCAR List food types in BPOM processed food division 2023-02-13T13:27:37
App-BPOMUtils-Table-MicrobeInput PERLANCAR List of microbe specification in BPOM processed food division 2023-02-13T13:27:48
App-BPOMUtils-Table-RegCodePrefix PERLANCAR List known alphabetical prefixes in BPOM registered product codes 2023-02-13T13:27:59
App-Bin-Search SKIM Tool to bitwise search of data in hexadecimal stream. 2023-11-26T12:35:16
App-BraveUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to Brave browser 2023-01-01T00:05:45
App-CPANStreaks PERLANCAR Calculate various CPAN streaks 2023-11-25T05:12:55
App-CheckDigitsUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to check digits (CLI for Algorithm::CheckDigits) 2023-01-28T01:48:54
App-CheckPerlReleaseFilename PERLANCAR Check whether filenames look like perl module release archive 2023-12-24T00:05:44
App-ChemistryUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to chemistry 2023-02-19T00:05:51
App-CveClient LANODAN CLI-based client / toolbox for 2023-03-27T11:25:17
App-DGIPUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to Indonesian DGIP (Directorate General of Intellectual Property) 2023-07-05T08:55:05
App-Domain RWP Domain class with DNS/SSL/WHOIS fields 2023-01-28T21:08:01
App-DownloadsDirUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to downloads directories 2023-11-16T04:30:27
App-DrugUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to drugs 2023-10-19T11:26:20
App-EANUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to EAN (International/European Article Number) 2023-09-24T00:05:26
App-ENumberUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to E Numbers (European Union Food Additive codes) 2023-03-01T07:18:12
App-EbookUtils PERLANCAR Command-line utilities related to ebooks 2023-10-08T00:05:55
App-FileCleanerByDiskUage VVELOX Removes files based on disk space usage till it drops below the specified amount. 2023-07-27T20:51:46
App-FileComposer ARIDEV Dumps pre defined scripts! 2023-08-14T21:45:27
App-FileFindUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to finding files 2023-11-20T09:32:49
App-FileSortUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to sorting files in a directory 2023-10-28T12:20:15
App-Filite-Client TOBYINK command-line client for Filite servers 2023-03-23T18:18:27
App-FireDiamondUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to fire diamond (NFPA 704 standard) 2023-03-29T00:33:07
App-FoodAdditivesUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to food additives 2023-02-05T09:42:10
App-FoodColorUtils PERLANCAR Command-line utilities related to food colors 2023-12-12T08:53:27
App-GUI-Juliagraph LICHTKIND drawing Mandelbrot and Julia fractals 2023-11-17T03:45:30
App-Greple-tee UTASHIRO module to replace matched text by the external command result 2023-02-19T11:20:41
App-Greple-xlate UTASHIRO translation support module for greple 2023-01-29T15:05:17
App-HL7-Compare BRTASTIC compare two HL7 v2 messages against one another 2023-08-19T06:15:50
App-HTMLUtils-Grep PERLANCAR Command-line utilities related to grepping HTML files 2023-02-08T14:24:26
App-Hack-Exe DCHURCH An animated terminal app that pretends to hack a website, just like in the movies 2023-11-04T19:46:41
App-InterpreterUtils PERLANCAR INI utilities 2023-12-07T04:04:29
App-KBLIUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to chemistry 2023-02-14T13:21:56
App-LXC-Container DORNER configure, create and run LXC application containers 2023-07-30T08:21:45
App-MARC-Leader SKIM Base class and script for parse and print MARC leader. 2023-11-19T20:08:27
App-Mkscript ARIDEV write scripts and files quickly! 2023-08-11T22:03:13
App-ModuleReleaseSelectUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to Module::Release::Select 2023-03-09T10:50:20
App-NetkitGui RHYSADAMS A GUI for Netkit labs. 2023-03-11T16:54:06
App-News SCHROEDER a web front-end for a news server 2023-05-22T07:32:33
App-Oozie BURAK Tooling/wrappers for Oozie job deployment and scheduling 2023-08-31T13:55:48
App-Perl-Module-CopyrightYears SKIM Tool for update copyright years in Perl distribution. 2023-01-23T17:36:43
App-Photobear PROCH Photobear API client 2023-07-05T15:55:23
App-Prove-Plugin-KohaBootstrap JAJM prove plugin to run Koha tests on a separate database 2023-04-04T08:25:47
App-PythonToPerl WBRASWELL translates Python source code into Perl source code 2023-04-10T04:58:20
App-RPM-Spec-License SKIM Tool for working with RPM spec file licenses. 2023-01-12T14:39:04
App-Run-Command-ToFail SKIM Tool to run command in cycle to check fail. 2023-12-07T20:20:47
App-Sakisafe QORG Simple file uploader using Mojolicious 2023-03-13T21:29:14
App-SlideServer NERDVANA Serves a HTML slide show synchronized over WebSocket 2023-07-11T07:27:14
App-SpreadsheetUtils PERLANCAR CLI utilities related to spreadsheet (XLS, XLSX, ODS, …) 2023-01-29T12:48:27
App-SymlinkUtils PERLANCAR CLI utilities related to symbolic links (symlinks) 2023-08-25T00:05:29
App-Test-DWG-LibreDWG-DwgRead SKIM Application to test DWG files by LibreDWG dwgread command. 2023-04-26T21:07:51
App-Test-DWG-LibreDWG-JSON SKIM Application to test DWG file by LibreDWG JSON conversions. 2023-03-29T23:55:07
App-Toot BLAINEM post a status to Mastodon 2023-02-05T15:50:14
App-Transpierce BRTASTIC backup and modify important files 2023-01-06T13:07:39
App-TrashUtils PERLANCAR Utilities related to desktop trash 2023-07-31T05:15:55
App-Wikidata-Print SKIM Command line tool for print Wikidata item. 2023-04-28T18:37:03
App-Wikidata-Template-CS-CitaceMonografie SKIM Command line tool for create Czech Wikipedia template for monography defined by Wikidata. 2023-10-27T18:21:30
App-Yabsm NHUBBARD a btrfs snapshot and backup management system 2023-03-21T16:42:41
App-alios ZDENEK tool for quick jumps into iOS app folders 2023-07-21T14:08:22
App-alluniq TULAMILI Align the number of columns on each line upon TSV input. 2023-08-12T05:44:28
App-bcrypt BDFOY A command-line tool to deal with bcrypt password hashing 2023-06-14T10:47:18
App-chars2code TULAMILI UTF8の文字列を1行ずつ読み取り、各文字をU+(16進数)の形式などに変換して、1行ずつ出力する。 2023-03-21T07:07:22
App-cmdout2git TULAMILI コマンドの出力結果を、Gitのレポジトリの中のファイルに保管する。 2023-03-10T10:02:08
App-colalign TULAMILI Align the number of columns on each line upon TSV input. 2023-08-11T15:28:59
App-colconnect TULAMILI 2023-08-10T13:56:33
App-collen TULAMILI shows the numbers related to the numbers of the columns of each input line. 2023-08-12T06:27:22
App-cpanm-allperls PERLANCAR Install modules for all installed perls 2023-12-29T08:25:16
App-csvtool PEVANS implements the csvtool core commands 2023-12-11T16:25:19
App-daydiff TULAMILI 2023-06-09T01:47:02
App-diff_spreadsheets JIMAVERA Diff spreadsheets (or CSVs) showing changed cells 2023-04-05T07:09:10
App-dirdir TULAMILI 「何階層潜った所から最大何階層下までディレクトリを持つディレクトリが何個存在するか」を行列状に示す。 2023-03-21T14:25:24
App-diroctopus TULAMILI shows the longest directory branch paths (most apart each other) of a given directory. 2023-04-06T04:39:16
App-dirstrata TULAMILI 「何階層潜った所から最大何階層下までディレクトリを持つディレクトリが何個存在するか」を三角行列状に示す。 2023-04-06T15:52:46
App-dirstrata1 TULAMILI Shows the longest directory branch paths (most apart each other) of a given directory. 2023-04-07T08:24:58
App-financeta-new VIKAS App::financeta is a Technical Analysis GUI 2023-02-28T03:05:45
App-ggdrv TULAMILI 2023-03-16T02:44:38
App-headtail PERLANCAR head+tail 2023-12-27T09:42:13
App-lapidary AZOMER Determine the read coverage and identity to a protein database using diamond 2023-12-14T14:11:02
App-lastaccess TULAMILI 現行ディレクトリの下のファイルを、最後にアクセスされた順で網羅的に表示する。 2023-02-27T05:05:45
App-lasttouch TULAMILI 指定ディレクトリのファイル全て(直下のみでない)に対して、最後に変更された順で網羅的に表示する。 2023-03-25T15:02:34
App-madeafter TULAMILI 各ファイルの3個の日時情報が、現在から何秒前であるかを、表形式で表示。 2023-02-27T07:47:16
App-news SCHROEDER a web front-end for a news server 2023-05-22T09:55:14
App-pepper GBROWN A command-line EPP client. 2023-05-18T15:44:11
App-perl-distrolint PEVANS Linting tests for perl distributions 2023-07-19T15:41:32
App-perlmv-scriptlet-according_to_containing_dir PERLANCAR Rename file according to its containing directory's name, e.g. foo/1.txt to foo/foo.txt, or foo/somejpeg to foo/foo.jpg 2023-10-26T00:53:02
App-perlmv-scriptlet-add_extension_according_to_mime_type PERLANCAR Guess the file content's MIME type using File::MimeInfo::Magic then if type can be guessed and file doesn't yet have extension or has unmatching extension then add an extension 2023-08-26T00:05:21
App-perlmv-scriptlet-add_prefix_datestamp PERLANCAR Add datestamp prefix (YYYYMMDD-) to filenames, using files' modification time as date 2023-10-22T00:05:39
App-quantile TULAMILI calculates the quantiles. 2023-06-07T15:14:33
App-randquote PERLANCAR Print a random quote 2023-11-19T00:05:05
App-rdapper GBROWN A simple console-based RDAP client. 2023-04-18T16:08:59
App-resistorcc TULAMILI Put colors on numerical digits (0 to 9) according to the electric resistance color codes. 1 for brown, 2 for red, 3 for orange and so on with some small change. 2023-06-07T05:11:33
App-samesize TULAMILI 現行ディレクトリにある全く同じバイトサイズのファイルを一覧にする。MD5ハッシュ値を使うオプションもある。 2023-02-27T06:09:10
App-sdview-Output-HTML PEVANS generate HTML output from App::sdview 2023-08-25T21:42:24
App-sdview-Output-Tickit PEVANS interactive terminal-based viewer for App::sdview 2023-08-26T00:17:14
App-sort_by_spec PERLANCAR Sort lines of text by spec 2023-09-05T14:22:32
App-sponge PERLANCAR Soak up standard input and write to a file 2023-02-14T08:46:33
App-typemap LEONT A tool for manipulating typemaps 2023-10-02T17:40:18
App-wcgrep PERLANCAR Print lines matching a wildcard pattern 2023-11-17T09:30:30
AppBase-Sort PERLANCAR A base for sort-like CLI utilities 2023-09-05T08:08:57
Apple-AppStoreConnect DKECHAG Apple App Store Connect API client 2023-08-06T13:46:02
Array-Util-MultiTarget PERLANCAR Apply an operation to multiple arrays 2023-12-03T15:08:49
AsyncLogWatcher SHINGO Asynchronously watches log files for specific patterns 2023-06-10T07:12:18
At SANKO The AT Protocol for Social Networking 2023-11-22T03:45:18
Authen-SASL-SCRAM EHUELS SCRAM-SHA-1/256/512 support for Authen::SASL 2023-08-05T20:11:38
Authen-SASL-SCRAM EHUELS SCRAM-SHA-1/256/512 support for Authen::SASL 2023-08-05T10:28:12
Automate-Animate-FFmpeg BLIAKO Create animation from a sequence of images using ffmpeg 2023-12-23T20:22:37
Bandana TROTH Bandana – a light and powerful web framework 2023-11-12T18:01:09
BankDetails-India MANJREKAR Perl interface to access the webservice. 2023-08-10T11:20:47
Bencher-Scenario-GraphConnectedComponentsModules PERLANCAR Benchmark graph topological sort modules 2023-12-20T06:08:32
Bencher-Scenario-Interpreters-Startup PERLANCAR Benchmark startup time of various interpreters 2023-12-06T15:02:57
Bencher-Scenario-RandomNumbers PERLANCAR Benchmark some random number generation 2023-12-28T05:27:47
Bencher-Scenario-Regexp-Assemble PERLANCAR Benchmark Regexp::Assemble 2023-02-05T00:05:27
Bencher-Scenario-Regexp-IPv4 PERLANCAR Benchmark Regexp::IPv4 2023-02-12T00:05:47
Bencher-Scenario-Regexp-IPv6 PERLANCAR Benchmark Regexp::IPv6 2023-02-19T00:06:02
Bencher-Scenario-Regexp-Pattern-Git PERLANCAR Benchmark patterns in Regexp::Pattern::Git 2023-02-26T00:05:41
Bencher-Scenario-Scalar-Cmp PERLANCAR Benchmark Scalar::Cmp against similar solutions 2023-06-04T00:05:51
Bencher-Scenario-Scalar-Util-Numeric PERLANCAR Benchmark Scalar::Util::Numeric vs Scalar::Util::Numeric::PP 2023-03-05T00:05:02
Bencher-Scenario-Shell-Startup PERLANCAR Benchmark startup overhead of various Unix shells 2023-09-16T00:05:19
Bencher-Scenario-ShellQuote-Any PERLANCAR Benchmark cross-platform shell quoting 2023-03-12T00:05:40
Bencher-Scenario-Sort-BySpec PERLANCAR Benchmark Sort::BySpec (e.g. against Sort::ByExample, etc) 2023-03-19T00:05:58
Bencher-Scenario-Sort-HashKeys PERLANCAR Benchmark Sort::HashKeys 2023-03-26T00:05:57
Bencher-Scenario-Sort-Key-Top PERLANCAR Benchmark Sort::Key::Top 2023-04-02T00:05:13
Bencher-Scenario-String-Interpolate PERLANCAR Benchmark string interpolation 2023-04-16T00:05:46
Bencher-Scenario-String-PodQuote PERLANCAR Benchmark String::PodQuote 2023-04-09T00:05:52
Bencher-Scenario-String-SimpleEscape PERLANCAR Benchmark String::SimpleEscape 2023-04-23T00:05:52
Bencher-Scenario-Text-sprintfn PERLANCAR Benchmark Text::sprintfn vs sprintf() 2023-04-30T00:05:13
Bencher-Scenarios-Algorithm-Diff PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark Algorithm::Diff 2023-05-07T00:05:41
Bencher-Scenarios-Color-ANSI-Util PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark Color::ANSI::Util 2023-05-14T00:06:13
Bencher-Scenarios-Complete-Util PERLANCAR A collection of bencher scenarios to benchmark Complete::Util 2023-05-21T00:05:50
Bencher-Scenarios-Data-CSel PERLANCAR Scenarios related to Data::CSel 2023-05-28T00:05:12
Bencher-Scenarios-Data-CSel-WrapStruct PERLANCAR Benchmark Data::CSel::WrapStruct 2023-06-11T00:05:32
Bencher-Scenarios-Data-Dmp PERLANCAR Benchmark Data::Dmp against some other related modules 2023-06-18T00:05:05
Bencher-Scenarios-Data-ModeMerge PERLANCAR Scenarios related to Data::ModeMerge 2023-06-25T00:05:49
Bencher-Scenarios-Data-Sah PERLANCAR A collection of bencher scenarios to benchmark Data::Sah 2023-07-02T00:05:30
Bencher-Scenarios-Data-Sah-Resolve PERLANCAR Benchmark Data::Sah::Resolve 2023-07-09T00:05:04
Bencher-Scenarios-Date-TimeOfDay PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark Date::TimeOfDay 2023-08-06T00:05:56
Bencher-Scenarios-DateTime-Format-Duration-ISO8601 PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601 2023-07-16T00:06:12
Bencher-Scenarios-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark DateTime::Format::ISO8601 2023-07-23T00:06:01
Bencher-Scenarios-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-Format PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark DateTime::Format::ISO8601::Format 2023-07-30T00:05:17
Bencher-Scenarios-Digest-SHA PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark Digest::SHA 2023-08-13T00:05:22
Bencher-Scenarios-File-Flock-Retry PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark File::Flock::Retry 2023-08-20T00:05:26
Bencher-Scenarios-HTTP-Tiny-Patch-Retry PERLANCAR Benchmark HTTP::Tiny::Patch::Retry 2023-08-27T00:06:14
Bencher-Scenarios-HTTP-Tiny-Plugin PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark HTTP::Tiny::Plugin 2023-09-03T00:06:09
Bencher-Scenarios-Log-ger PERLANCAR Scenarios for benchmarking Log::ger 2023-11-27T00:05:46
Bencher-Scenarios-Tie PERLANCAR Scenarios to benchmark tie() mechanism 2023-12-27T02:59:48
Benchmark-DKbench DKECHAG Perl Benchmark 2023-08-28T22:30:12
Benchmark-DKbench DKECHAG Perl Benchmark 2023-08-27T23:15:23
Blockchain-Contract-Solidity-ABI REFECO Contract ABI utilities 2023-02-02T17:17:21
Blockchain-Ethereum-ABI REFECO Contract ABI utilities 2023-06-13T03:46:39
Blockchain-Ethereum-Keystore REFECO Ethereum keystorage utilities 2023-08-06T23:14:42
Blockchain-Ethereum-Keystore REFECO Ethereum keystorage utilities 2023-08-07T04:27:57
Blockchain-Ethereum-RLP REFECO Ethereum RLP encoding/decoding utility 2023-05-21T04:15:30
Blockchain-Ethereum-Transaction REFECO Ethereum transaction abstraction 2023-06-13T03:48:31
Business-Stripe-Subscription BOD Simple way to implement subscriptions using Stripe hosted checkout 2023-06-10T00:31:38
Business-Stripe-Webhook BOD A Perl module for handling webhooks sent by Stripe 2023-06-10T00:15:08
Business-TrueLayer LEEJO Perl library for interacting with the TrueLayer v3 API ( 2023-11-29T08:34:16
CAPE-Utils VVELOX A helpful library for with CAPE. 2023-03-11T17:09:56
CLI-MetaUtil-Getopt-Long-Complete PERLANCAR Routine related to Getopt::Long::Complete 2023-01-08T00:06:12
CLI-Simple BIGFOOT Simple command line script accelerator 2023-11-16T22:24:38
CPAN-API-BuildPL LEONT Documentation of the API for using Build.PL 2023-11-04T12:03:44
CPAN-Static LEONT Static Installation for CPAN distributions 2023-11-04T14:08:34
CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-ModuleBuild SKAJI Test distribution that depends on Module::Build 2023-01-01T02:10:14
CPANSec-Admin GARU CPAN Advisory DB Admin Utility 2023-10-24T19:23:58
CPE GARU Common Platform Enumeration identifiers 2023-08-17T04:27:20
CXC-Astro-Regions DJERIUS Astronomical region support 2023-12-09T21:13:48
CXC-Exporter-Util DJERIUS Tagged Based Exporting 2023-01-23T05:21:22
CXC-Form-Tiny-OptArgs2 DJERIUS a really awesome library 2023-09-15T19:08:32
CXC-Form-Tiny-Plugin-OptArgs2 DJERIUS A Plugin to interface Form::Tiny with OptArgs2 2023-08-03T04:49:22
CXC-Types-Astro-Coords DJERIUS type definitions for Coordinates 2023-12-18T20:37:15
CXC-constant-setonce DJERIUS Initialize a constant subroutine once. 2023-10-30T17:06:41
Catalyst-ActionRole-RenderView JJNAPIORK Classic RenderView action as an action role 2023-01-14T22:54:16
Catalyst-ControllerPerContext JJNAPIORK Map body and data parameters to a model 2023-06-04T00:48:47
Catalyst-Plugin-CheckFileUploadTypes BIGPRESH Check uploaded files are expected and of the correct type 2023-09-21T21:39:32
Catalyst-Plugin-Static-File RRWO Serve a specific static file 2023-06-07T19:44:30
Catmandu-Importer-OpenAIRE HOCHSTEN Package that queries the OpenAIRE Graph 2023-10-11T12:44:45
Chemistry-PeriodicTable GENE Provide access to chemical element properties 2023-01-08T10:59:52
Chicken-Ipsum DCHURCH Generate random chicken noises. 2023-08-10T20:02:58
Chicken-Ipsum DCHURCH Generate random chicken noises. 2023-08-10T20:16:58
Chicken-Ipsum DCHURCH Generate random chicken noises. 2023-08-10T20:22:11
Chicken-Ipsum DCHURCH Generate random chicken noises. 2023-08-10T21:20:06
Chipcard-PCSC WHOM Communicate with a smart card using PC/SC from a Perl script 2023-11-20T20:41:56
Chrome-Policy RWP Chrome Policy class 2023-02-04T01:26:12
Class-CorX TOBYINK tools for manipulating classes built via the Perl 5.38 `class` keyword 2023-07-05T12:16:45
CodeGen-Cpppp NERDVANA The C Perl-Powered Pre-Processor 2023-10-11T20:55:27
CodeGen-Cpppp NERDVANA The C Perl-Powered Pre-Processor 2023-09-15T07:15:14
Complete-Color PERLANCAR Completion routines related to colors 2023-11-30T10:19:49
Config-INI-RefVars AAHAZRED INI file reader, allows the referencing of INI and 2023-12-07T21:15:15
Config-JSON-Enhanced BLIAKO JSON-based config with C/Shell-style comments, verbatim sections and variable substitutions 2023-09-08T14:24:35
Config-ROFL NICOMEN Yet another config module 2023-10-01T23:42:36
ConstantCalculus-CircleConstant ZTENRETEP Perl extension for calculating the circle constant in high accurccy. 2023-01-21T22:46:45
Convert-Pheno MRUEDA A module to interconvert common data models for phenotypic data 2023-06-21T17:36:21
Cooklang KAARE Perl Cooklang parser 2023-06-15T05:39:36
Cosmoloj-UnitSimple COSMOLOJ representation of an abstract unit 2023-04-25T21:33:33
CrowdSec-Client GUIMARD CrowdSec client 2023-09-21T17:17:13
Crypt-HSM LEONT A PKCS11 implementation 2023-03-28T13:18:26
Crypt-OpenSSL-ConfiguredAPI TIMLEGGE Get the Configured API level if it is defined 2023-07-24T01:42:13
Crypt-OpenSSL-SignCSR TIMLEGGE Sign a Certificate Signing Request in XS. 2023-06-20T02:46:03
Crypt-Passphrase-Argon2-AES LEONT A peppered AES-encrypted Argon2 encoder for Crypt::Passphrase 2023-04-07T14:31:12
Crypt-Passphrase-Argon2-HSM LEONT HSM encrypted Argon2 hashes for Crypt::Passphrase 2023-04-21T14:38:19
Crypt-Passphrase-HSM LEONT A hasher using hardware for Crypt::Passphrase 2023-04-19T23:13:40
Crypt-Passphrase-Linux LEONT An linux crypt encoder for Crypt::Passphrase 2023-03-07T22:54:25
Crypt-Passphrase-Pepper-HSM LEONT A pepper-wrapper using hardware for Crypt::Passphrase 2023-04-07T12:41:22
Crypt-Passphrase-Yescrypt LEONT A yescrypt encoder for Crypt::Passphrase 2023-03-12T16:03:04
Crypt-Yescrypt LEONT A Perl interface to the yescrypt password hash 2023-03-12T14:58:02
Curses-UI-Char SKIM Create and manipulate character widgets. 2023-06-26T07:36:51
DBIx-AutoUpgrade-NativeStrings DAMI automatically upgrade Perl native strings to utf8 before sending them to the database 2023-05-22T05:07:38
DBIx-Class-CryptColumn LEONT Automatically hash password/passphrase columns 2023-02-08T00:42:46
DBIx-Class-MoreHelpers GEEKRUTH More helpers for DBIx::Class 2023-07-10T14:39:24
DBIx-Class-SQLA2 VEESH SQL::Abstract v2 support in DBIx::Class 2023-05-21T15:02:41
DBIx-Class-Storage-DBI-MariaDB RAGE Storage::DBI class implementing MariaDB specifics 2023-08-07T13:33:27
DBIx-Oracle-UpgradeUtf8 DAMI automatically upgrade Perl strings to utf8 before sending them to DBD::Oracle 2023-03-06T15:50:49
DBIx-SQLstate VANHOESEL message lookup and tokenization of SQL-State codes 2023-06-16T10:28:54
DBIx-WithClass GEEKRUTH DBIx::Class, with more class! 2023-02-12T22:01:18
Dancer2-Plugin-HostSpecificRoute GEEKRUTH Allow designating routes to respond only on hostname match 2023-10-21T01:59:52
Dancer2-Plugin-JobScheduler MIKKOI Plugin for Dancer2 web app to send and query jobs in different job schedulers 2023-12-02T15:41:16
Dancer2-Plugin-JsonApi YANICK JsonApi helpers for Dancer2 apps 2023-11-15T19:24:49
Dancer2-Plugin-LiteBlog SUKRIA A minimalist, file-based blog engine for Dancer2. 2023-10-30T12:19:01
Dancer2-Plugin-OpenAPI YANICK create OpenAPI documentation of your application 2023-11-16T17:21:27
Dancer2-Plugin-OpenTelemetry JJATRIA Use OpenTelemetry in your Dancer2 app 2023-12-04T23:24:53
Dancer2-Plugin-Syntax-GetPost CROMEDOME Syntactic sugar for GET+POST handlers 2023-12-13T13:14:28
Dancer2-Template-Mason YANICK Mason wrapper for Dancer2 2023-08-01T17:54:04
Data-HTML-A SKIM Data object for HTML a element. 2023-07-08T15:53:40
Data-HTML-Textarea SKIM Data object for HTML textarea element. 2023-12-29T06:58:11
Data-HashType SKIM Data objects for hash type. 2023-09-01T04:36:13
Data-MARC-Leader SKIM Data objects for MARC leader. 2023-11-17T23:58:17
Data-Message-Simple SKIM Data objects for simple message. 2023-06-10T16:59:48
Data-Mirror GBROWN a simple way to efficiently retrieve data from the World Wide Web. 2023-12-05T21:17:01
Data-Password-zxcvbn-AuthorTools DAKKAR collection of tools to simplify building zxcvbn distributions 2023-04-03T14:04:26
Data-Password-zxcvbn-French DAKKAR Dropbox's password estimation logic, with French defaults 2023-04-03T14:11:55
Data-Password-zxcvbn-German DAKKAR Dropbox's password estimation logic, with German defaults 2023-04-03T14:41:21
Data-Pretty JDEGUEST Data Dump Beautifier 2023-08-06T08:18:59
Data-Printer-Theme-Zellner ABELTJE A Data::Printer theme based on vims Zellner colors. 2023-10-04T08:24:31
Data-Random-HashType SKIM Random hash type objects. 2023-09-02T10:56:35
Data-Record-Serialize-Encode-dbi DJERIUS store a record in a database 2023-09-24T04:10:34
Data-Ref-JSON JKSTILL Walk a referenced arbitrary data structure and provide the reference to access values 2023-04-13T06:10:34
Data-Resolver POLETTIX resolve keys to data 2023-02-05T09:58:58
Data-Sah-ValueBundle-Date PERLANCAR Default value rules related to dates (and times) 2023-03-30T01:18:29
Data-Sah-ValueBundle-Path PERLANCAR Default value rules related to paths 2023-03-30T15:02:48
Data-URIID LION Extractor for identifiers from URIs 2023-10-22T11:14:03
Data-Validate-Mailbox PYH Verify that the given mailbox exists 2023-06-06T08:51:37
Database-ManagedHandle MIKKOI Manage database handles safely for long running processes 2023-11-28T21:16:38
Database-Temp MIKKOI Create an ad-hoc database which drops itself automatically 2023-11-28T21:15:00
Date-Holidays-IE TEEJAY Determine Irish holidays – Current EIRE public and bank holiday dates up to 2025 2023-12-19T16:23:02
Date-Holidays-NYSE MRDVT Date::Holidays Adapter for New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) holidays 2023-12-28T04:01:55
Date-Parse-Modern BAKERSCOT Provide string to unixtime conversions 2023-01-14T04:33:07
Device-GPIB MIKEM Perl extension to access a variety of generic and specific GPIB devices, via a number of supported GPIB interfaces. 2023-03-30T04:18:29
Dir-TempChdir CGPAN Temporarily change the current working directory, return safely. 2023-12-09T12:58:08
Dispatch-Fu OODLER Provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch 2023-08-24T05:29:04
Dispatch-Fu OODLER provides a reduction based approach to given/when or variable dispatch 2023-08-23T20:11:34
Dist-Setup MATHIAS Simple opinionated tool to setup a Perl distribution directory. 2023-12-27T11:14:13
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ExplicitPackageForClass AJNN Insert an explicit package statement for class declarations 2023-12-27T11:52:57
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitHub-CreateRelease TIMLEGGE Create a GitHub Release 2023-08-21T23:55:07
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InsertDistFileLink PERLANCAR Insert links to distribution shared files into POD as HTML snippets 2023-11-09T08:08:46
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Typemap LEONT Manipulate the typemap file for XS distributions using dzil 2023-05-08T18:36:25
Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-REFECO REFECO REFECO dists defaults 2023-10-14T15:13:59
Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MIKKOI MIKKOI BeLike::MIKKOI when you build your dists 2023-12-31T21:59:10
Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RWP RWP Add [@RWP] plugin bundle into dist.ini 2023-02-04T19:09:32
Domain-Details RWP Domain class with DNS/SSL/WHOIS fields 2023-01-28T21:40:27
EAI-Wrap RKAPL framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks 2023-09-10T22:45:08
EAI-Wrap RKAPL framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks 2023-09-28T18:47:12
ENV-Util GARU parse prefixed environment variables and dotnev (.env) files into Perl 2023-08-10T04:30:58
EasySpiderTCP SENGER Automated interface to the Wikipedia 2023-01-10T10:17:44
Email-Address-Classify FKENTO Classify email addresses 2023-10-01T08:50:49
Env-Assert MIKKOI Ensure that the environment variables match what you need, or abort. 2023-02-15T13:52:04
Env-Dot MIKKOI Read environment variables from .env file 2023-02-19T11:46:01
Error-Show DRCLAW Show context around syntax errors and exceptions 2023-01-17T23:28:08
Evo-Maple KOBOLDWIZ Perl extension for a numerical analysis package with Evolutionary Computation somewhat parsed 2023-04-06T09:29:32
Evo-Parser KOBOLDWIZ Perl extension for Parsing Systems of Math, Equations and stuff. 2023-04-05T10:51:56
Excel-PowerPivot-Utils DAMI utilities for scripting Power Pivot models within Excel workbooks 2023-01-04T08:29:12
Export-These DRCLAW Terse Symbol (Re)Exporting 2023-08-11T02:02:24
Exporter-Almighty TOBYINK combining Exporter::Tiny with some other stuff for added power 2023-01-27T09:25:41
Exporter-Handy TABULO An EXPERIMENTAL subclass of <Exporter::Extensible>, which helps create easy-to-extend modules that export symbols 2023-05-21T02:16:04
ExtUtils-Typemaps-Magic LEONT Typemap for storing objects in magic 2023-09-02T13:32:06
FR24-Bot PROCH Subroutines for FR24-Bot 2023-07-13T20:58:12
FR24-Bot PROCH Subroutines for FR24-Bot 2023-07-12T13:39:58
Fedora-RPM-Spec-License SKIM Handle Fedora RPM spec license string. 2023-01-27T16:54:29
File-Copy-clonefile SKAJI call clonefile system call 2023-02-16T17:05:15
File-Find-IncludesTimeRange VVELOX Takes a array of time stamped items(largely meant for use with files) returns ones that include the specified time range. 2023-02-27T05:35:02
File-MagicPP LSKATZ 2023-04-25T14:05:42
File-Meta-Cache DRCLAW Cache open file descriptors and stat meta data 2023-02-27T08:03:49
File-MultiTemp RRWO manage a hash of temporary files 2023-04-08T11:09:11
File-Replace-Fancy HAUKEX Perl extension that extends the File::Replace module 2023-01-18T15:55:09
File-Replace-Inplace HAUKEX Emulation of Perl's -i switch via File::Replace 2023-01-18T15:57:55
File-Takeput SPRAGL Slurp style file IO with locking. 2023-10-25T20:48:50
File-Text-CSV JV Easy access to CSV data files 2023-02-23T13:44:17
File-Unpack2 KRAIH A strong bz2/gz/zip/tar/cpio/rpm/deb/cab/lzma/7z/rar/… archive unpacker, based on mime-types 2023-12-01T17:14:21
File-Util-DirList PERLANCAR File utilities involving a list of directories 2023-11-15T10:28:11
File-Util-Sort PERLANCAR Routines related to sorting files in one or more directories 2023-11-26T08:59:52
File-Util-Symlink PERLANCAR Utilities related to symbolic links 2023-11-30T08:17:57
File-Util-Test PERLANCAR Utilities related mostly to testing/checking for files in directories 2023-11-17T02:42:09
Filename-Perl-Release PERLANCAR Check whether filename looks like a perl module release archive, e.g. a CPAN release tarball 2023-12-17T00:05:18
Finance-Random-Price SKIM Perl class for creating random price. 2023-08-29T18:50:19
FixerIO-API WOZNOTWOZ Access to the currency exchange rate API. 2023-09-04T17:38:33
Fluent-LibFluentBit NERDVANA Directly use for high performance logging 2023-04-20T09:23:17
FsDB GWYN Use the filesystem as a DB 2023-07-06T21:00:31
Future-AsyncAwait-Hooks PEVANS scoped hook blocks that run extra code around await expressions 2023-02-12T00:37:10
Future-Selector PEVANS manage a collection of pending futures 2023-10-30T17:32:02
GDPR-IAB-TCFv2 PACMAN gdpr iab tcf v2 consent string decoder 2023-12-02T22:50:00
GFX-Tools-App KOBOLDWIZ The GFX-Tools command line application. 2023-06-20T13:03:33
GFX-Tools-Parser KOBOLDWIZ The Parser system for the GFX-Tools(-App) command line 2023-06-20T13:02:06
GS1-SyntaxEngine-FFI HANGY Provides a FFI wrapper for libgs1encoders 2023-08-25T18:56:56
Game-DAE KOBOLDWIZ Perl extension for writing arrays/pixels/voxels to the DAE file format 2023-07-22T20:38:19
Game-Deckar JMATES a module for wrangling decks of cards 2023-12-29T01:02:08
Game-Lottery BRAINBUZ Generate and Check Big Draw Lottery Tickets 2023-10-17T17:50:46
Game-Lottery BRAINBUZ Generate and Check Big Draw Lottery Tickets 2023-10-17T06:29:55
Game-WordChainGame MANJREKAR A game where players form a word chain based on last letter of previous player. 2023-09-18T21:28:43
Genealogy-Wills NHORNE Lookup in a database of wills 2023-01-24T23:35:29
Geo-Location-TimeZoneFinder VOEGELAS Map geographic coordinates to time zone names 2023-01-15T19:45:14
GetoptLongWrapper NGABRIEL A wrapper for the Getopt::Long module 2023-02-05T06:47:44
Graph-Geometric MERKYS create and work with geometric graphs 2023-02-08T13:27:29
Graph-Grammar MERKYS Grammar for graphs 2023-12-13T13:38:33
Graph-MoreUtils MERKYS Utilities for graphs 2023-10-17T14:49:54
Graph-SSSR MERKYS Find Smallest Set of Smallest Rings in graphs 2023-09-12T06:33:21
Graphics-ColorNames-FamousLogo PERLANCAR Colors used in famous logos 2023-12-05T10:24:00
Graphics-ColorNames-FoodColor PERLANCAR Food colors 2023-12-04T08:33:16
Graphics-ColorNamesLite-EN PERLANCAR Lots of English color names and equivalent RGB values (lite version) 2023-11-30T09:52:46
Graphics-ColorNamesLite-ID PERLANCAR Indonesian color names and equivalent RGB values (lite version) 2023-11-30T09:53:08
Grpc-XS JOYREX binding to the grpc library. 2023-11-01T18:55:33
HTML-Scrape PETDANCE The great new HTML::Scrape! 2023-06-29T20:24:19
HTTP-Request-Diff CORION create diffs between HTTP request 2023-09-08T19:51:34
HTTP-State DRCLAW Fast RFC6265bis-draft + CHIPS Cookie Jar 2023-07-01T23:20:03
HTTP-Tiny-PreserveHostHeader DEXTER preserve Host header on requests 2023-06-10T20:28:32
Hadoop-IO BURAK Hadoop/Hive compatible TypedBytes serializer/deserializer. 2023-06-23T15:16:45
Hadoop-Oozie-DelegationTokenContainer BURAK Perl interface to Hadoop delegation token 2023-06-23T15:47:52
HealthCheck-Diagnostic-SSH GSG Verify SSH connectivity to specified host. 2023-12-14T18:26:38
HealthCheck-Parallel GSG A HealthCheck that uses parallelization for running checks 2023-03-28T15:42:59
HelloWorld SHINGO A simple hello world module 2023-05-21T00:21:12
IO-Reverse JKSTILL read a file in reverse 2023-12-29T23:09:46
Image-Magick JCRISTY objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick. Use it to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images from within a Perl script. 2023-02-04T03:49:48
Image-Magick JCRISTY objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick. Use it to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images from within a Perl script. 2023-09-23T12:51:53
Image-Magick JCRISTY ImageMagick PERL Extension 2023-10-09T11:05:46
Image-Square BOD Crop and resize an image to create a square image 2023-09-05T23:39:20
Image-ThumbHash MAUKE A very compact representation of an image placeholder 2023-03-24T18:22:45
Imager-zxing TONYC Barcode scanning with libzxing-cpp 2023-08-28T12:49:08
Import-These DRCLAW Terse, Prefixed and Multiple Imports with a Single Statement 2023-08-11T03:58:17
Insight-Scriptures LNATION The great new Insight::Scriptures! 2023-02-10T23:04:34
Interest KETS Perl extension for blah blah blah 2023-05-24T13:56:35
Interest KETS Perl extension for blah blah blah 2023-05-23T17:40:34
Interpreter-Info PERLANCAR Get information about rakudo interpreter 2023-12-07T03:29:03
Is-Bot RAWLEYFOW A Perl port of the JavaScript library 'isbot'. 2023-09-23T17:41:08
Ixchel VVELOX Automate various sys admin stuff. 2023-11-16T17:08:35
JIP-Mock VLADIMIRZ 2023-03-30T17:47:03
JSON-SIMD PJUHASZ JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and faster 2023-04-17T17:13:41
Jacode INA Perl program for Japanese character code conversion 2023-03-13T11:36:45
Jacode INA Perl program for Japanese character code conversion 2023-03-21T06:07:52
Jacode4e INA Converts Character Encodings for Enterprise in Japan 2023-03-22T00:44:07
JavonetPerlSdk JAVONET Javonet SDK for Perl 2023-04-17T13:43:05
Khonsu LNATION The great new Khonsu! 2023-03-04T11:54:01
Khonsu-Syntax LNATION Khonsu PDF Generation Syntax Highlighting Plugin/Component 2023-05-22T09:37:57
LWP-UserAgent-msgraph ESTRELOW 2023-02-16T21:21:09
Lab-Measurement-Legacy AKHUETTEL Test and measure with Perl (legacy modules) 2023-10-14T22:14:24
LibYAML-FFI TINITA FFI binding for C libyaml 2023-07-15T20:07:47
License-SPDX SKIM Object for SPDX licenses handling. 2023-01-26T11:07:23
Lingua-NameUtils RAFORG Identify given/family names and capitalize correctly 2023-06-30T13:28:38
Lingua-RU-Numeral DONANGEL Perl extension for generate Russian wording of numerals from the natural numbers and 0 (zero). 2023-01-22T18:14:18
List-Insertion DRCLAW Binary search a list for insertion point 2023-03-26T12:06:05
List-Util-groupby PERLANCAR Group items of a list into several (possibly multilevel) buckets 2023-09-30T11:53:46
List-Util-mapsplice PERLANCAR Splice array with code, replace items with result from code 2023-09-30T11:55:29
List-Util-sglice PERLANCAR Remove some elements where code returns true 2023-09-18T14:07:46
Liveman DART markdown compiller to test and pod. 2023-09-27T12:00:42
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Ceb JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Cebuano ) 2023-12-31T20:46:57
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Doi JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Dogri ) 2023-12-31T20:57:06
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Kgp JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Kaingang ) 2023-12-31T21:54:47
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Mai JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Maithili ) 2023-12-31T22:25:06
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Mni JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Manipuri ) 2023-12-31T22:36:22
Locale-CLDR-Locales-No JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Norwegian ) 2023-12-31T22:52:55
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Pcm JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Nigerian Pidgin ) 2023-12-31T23:00:38
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Sa JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Sanskrit ) 2023-12-31T23:13:01
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Sat JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Santali ) 2023-12-31T23:15:45
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Sc JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Sardinian ) 2023-12-31T23:17:02
Locale-CLDR-Locales-Su JGNI Locale::CLDR – Data Package ( Perl localization data for Sundanese ) 2023-12-31T23:33:24
Locale-MaybeMaketext RBAIRWELL Find available localization / localisation / translation services. 2023-11-13T23:48:31
Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perlTiny POLETTIX Log::Any adapter for Log::Log4perl::Tiny 2023-06-11T18:28:27
Log-Any-Progress LARRYL log incremental progress using Log::Any 2023-04-02T20:16:33
LogFilter SHINGO A simple log filter 2023-06-12T14:01:54
Loverl NOBUNAGA Lover – A LÖVE2D game development command-line interface. 2023-08-03T01:32:21
MARC-Convert-Wikidata SKIM Conversion class between MARC record and Wikidata object. 2023-05-26T12:15:55
MARC-Convert-Wikidata-Object SKIM Bibliographic Wikidata object defined by MARC record. 2023-05-26T08:00:18
MARC-Leader SKIM MARC leader class. 2023-11-18T00:18:41
MARC-Leader-Print SKIM MARC leader class for print. 2023-11-19T16:45:10
MIDI-Segment JMATES means to segement MIDI by equal duration 2023-07-18T16:23:34
MIME-Mini RAFORG Minimal code to parse/create mbox files and mail messages 2023-05-09T00:51:56
MTTest RENEEB a placeholder 2023-10-23T14:22:45
Magic-Check LEONT Add type/value checks to variables 2023-08-26T15:21:42
Magic-Coerce LEONT magical coercers for scalar values 2023-08-26T11:25:58
Manipulator LNATION manipulate data structs via codeblocks 2023-02-11T17:15:13
Markdown-Render BIGFOOT Render markdown using GitHub API 2023-05-31T07:05:50
Markdown-Table RENEEB a placeholder 2023-10-23T14:26:46
Math-3Space NERDVANA 3D coordiante transformations made easy 2023-10-31T04:43:00
Math-Formula MARKOV Expressions on steriods 2023-02-24T14:21:13
Math-Int113 SISYPHUS 113-bit integer arithmetic 2023-06-30T13:10:51
Math-NumOnly SISYPHUS Disallow numeric operations that don't involve an IV or NV 2023-07-04T11:39:40
Math-Permutation CYFUNG pure Perl implementation of functions related to the permutations 2023-04-06T13:36:47
Math-Random-LogUniform PERLANCAR Generate log-uniform random numbers 2023-12-28T05:17:27
Merge-CodeBlock LNATION merge via code blocks 2023-01-30T01:46:47
Microsoft-Translator TEODESIAN Client wrapper for Microsoft Translator's REST API 2023-10-26T18:19:01
Missing-XS TOBYINK print warnings about XS modules you should probably install 2023-09-04T16:11:00
Mo-utils-Date SKIM Mo date utilities. 2023-11-14T07:48:11
Mo-utils-EAN SKIM Mo EAN utilities. 2023-08-27T18:31:36
Mo-utils-Language SKIM Mo language utilities. 2023-06-10T16:39:28
Mockery LNATION Mock objects for testing purposes 2023-02-11T01:17:45
Module-Release-Select PERLANCAR Notation to select release(s) 2023-01-14T01:29:03
Module-ScanDeps-Static BIGFOOT scan modules for dependencies 2023-01-24T15:36:26
Mojo-CouchDB RAWLEYFOW CouchDB the Mojo way 2023-07-06T02:14:31
Mojo-CouchDB RAWLEYFOW CouchDB the Mojo way 2023-07-07T15:57:41
Mojo-Tar JHTHORSEN Stream your (ustar) tar files 2023-03-14T09:34:41
MojoX-Linda GRYPHON Plausibly helpful (and probably drunk) wrapper around morbo 2023-10-24T22:30:19
Mojolicious-Plugin-ConfigGeneral ABALAMA Config::General Configuration Plugin for Mojolicious 2023-10-28T07:21:41
Mojolicious-Plugin-Debugbar CRLCU 2023-03-27T13:03:24
Mojolicious-Plugin-DirectoryServer BDFOY Serve static files from document root with directory index 2023-03-06T23:13:33
Mojolicious-Plugin-IsBot RAWLEYFOW A Mojolicious plugin that adds a helper to test if a request is a bot. 2023-11-03T16:10:22
Mojolicious-Plugin-Kinde CNG A Mojo helper and route condition to extract Kinde auth header, verify JWT token, and return the claims 2023-01-09T13:27:29
Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenTelemetry JJATRIA An OpenTelemetry integration for Mojolicious 2023-12-03T16:52:59
Mojolicious-Plugin-Passphrase LEONT Securely hash and validate your passwords. 2023-02-12T22:20:19
Mojolicious-Plugin-PrometheusTiny JAVIER Export metrics using Prometheus::Tiny::Shared 2023-02-05T08:03:15
MooX-Keyword-Chain LNATION Subroutine chains 2023-02-06T01:48:54
MooX-Keyword-Random LNATION return a random result! 2023-02-07T17:26:06
MooX-Role-EventEmitter CORION Event emitter role 2023-04-16T18:07:09
MooX-Role-HTTP-Tiny ABELTJE HTTP::Tiny as a role for clients that use HTTP 2023-05-15T14:59:28
MooX-Role-HasLogger SVW Moo role that provides a logger attribute 2023-01-24T07:37:34
Museum-EICAS RSHEAT A simple interface to the EICAS museum API 2023-09-06T20:34:31
Museum-MetropolitanMuseumArt RSHEAT A simple interface to the Metropolitan Museum of Art's API 2023-04-24T22:04:02
Museum-Rijksmuseum-Object RSHEAT Access the Rijksmuseum object metadata API 2023-03-04T04:17:52
Museum-TePapa RSHEAT an interface to the Te Papa museum API 2023-03-11T16:22:30
Music-Bassline-Generate GENE Generate walking basslines – DEPRECATED 2023-11-12T04:12:43
Music-Bassline-Generator GENE Generate walking basslines – DEPRECATED 2023-11-12T04:20:30
Music-Chord-Progression-NRO GENE Generate Neo-Riemann chord progressions 2023-01-31T11:22:29
Music-Chord-Progression-T GENE Generate transposed chord progressions 2023-02-02T04:08:04
Music-Chord-Progression-Transform GENE Generate transformed chord progressions 2023-02-02T12:36:42
Music-CreatingRhythms GENE Perl from the C code of the book 2023-02-26T16:55:23
Music-Dataset-ChordProgressions GENE Provide access to hundreds of chord progressions 2023-12-26T17:58:30
Music-Factory JMATES some factory class for your music factory class 2023-10-17T23:50:46
Music-ModalFunction GENE Inspect Musical Modal Functions 2023-06-03T13:07:46
Music-Percussion-Tabla GENE Play the tabla! 2023-05-16T20:31:42
NBI-Slurm PROCH NBI Slurm module 2023-06-07T12:32:37
Namespace-Subroutines NYRDZ Finds subroutines in namespace (attributes included). 2023-08-19T13:48:55
Nefarious LNATION wicked or criminal objects. 2023-01-29T08:00:21
Neo4j-Error AJNN Common Neo4j exception representations 2023-01-27T16:39:05
Net-API-CPAN JDEGUEST Meta CPAN API 2023-09-25T16:18:34
Net-Async-OSC CORION send/receive OSC asynchronously 2023-09-11T15:00:49
Net-Bot-IRC-Message MCAUDILL An IRC protocol message class. 2023-06-01T01:16:36
Net-Bot-IRC-NumericCodes MCAUDILL A module for abstracting IRC numeric codes. 2023-06-01T01:16:47
Net-CVE HMBRAND Fetch CVE information from 2023-05-22T17:15:22
Net-Cloudflare-DNS-Teal CONTRA You would take another cup of teal? 2023-06-07T17:09:15
Net-Correios GARU acesse a API REST dos Correios 2023-09-22T19:58:01
Net-DNS-Multicast RWF Multicast extension to Net::DNS 2023-05-05T19:48:36
Net-MQTT-Simple-One_Shot_Loader MRDVT Perl package to add one_shot method to Net::MQTT::Simple 2023-03-23T00:20:54
Net-NVD GARU query CVE data from NIST's NVD (National Vulnerability Database) 2023-05-20T04:24:59
Net-OSV GARU search known vulnerabilities on the Open Source Vulnerabilities Database (OSV) 2023-05-22T03:37:05
Net-Versa-Director ABRAXXA Versa Director REST API client library 2023-10-09T15:09:22
Netkit RHYSADAMS create netkit labs with code. 2023-02-26T20:21:37
NetworkManager-Strict RWP NetworkManager strict settings class 2023-02-12T13:56:23
ODF-MailMerge JIMAVERA "Mail Merge" or just substitute tokens in ODF documents 2023-09-07T05:22:28
ODF-lpOD_Helper JIMAVERA ease-of-use wrapper for ODF::lpOD 2023-03-14T06:46:10
OPM-Maker-Command-depcheck PERLSRVDE Check if ticketsystem addon dependencies are installed (works for ((OTRS)) Community Edition, Znuny and OTOBO) 2023-05-26T08:12:23
Object-Lvalue LEMBARK Fast, lightweight base class for objects using lvalue attributes. 2023-10-24T23:51:21
Object-Meta BODOLFO Library to manage data and meta data as one object but keeping it separate 2023-05-21T11:48:55
Object-Pad-FieldAttr-Checked PEVANS apply type constraint checks to Object::Pad fields 2023-08-14T15:07:01
Object-Pad-Role-EventEmitter EHUELS Event emitter role for Object::Pad classes 2023-06-12T20:53:47
Object-PadX-Log-Log4perl WATERKIP A logger role for Object::Pad based classes based on Log::Log4perl 2023-08-19T02:49:18
Object-PadX-Role-AutoJSON SIMCOP Role for Object::Pad that dynamically handles a TO_JSON serialization based on the MOP 2023-11-15T15:30:02
Object-PadX-Role-AutoMarshal SIMCOP Automated nested object creation with Object::Pad 2023-11-15T15:30:13
Onyphe GOMOR ONYPHE base class 2023-08-30T05:30:05
OpenAIAsync SIMCOP OpenAI style Client and Server for processing various AI tasks 2023-11-23T14:06:33
OpenAIGPT4 SHINGO 2023-05-21T01:06:35
OpenAPI-Client-OpenAI NFERRAZ A client for the OpenAI API 2023-04-11T16:57:40
OpenAPI-Client-Pinecone NFERRAZ A client for the Pinecone API 2023-04-11T10:54:56
OpenData-ShortNumberInfo RWP Perl interface to OpenData ShortNumberInfo web service 2023-01-14T20:35:48
OpenMP-Simple OODLER Provides some DWIM helpers for using OpenMP via Inline::C. 2023-07-24T05:04:08
OpenSky-API OVID Perl interface to the OpenSky Network API 2023-05-28T13:35:17
OpenTelemetry-Exporter-OTLP JJATRIA An OpenTelemetry Protocol span exporter 2023-11-07T20:56:16
OpenTelemetry-SDK JJATRIA An implementation of the OpenTelemetry SDK for Perl 2023-11-01T00:00:34
PDF-Collage POLETTIX PDF manipulation with scissors and glue 2023-02-12T18:53:40
PDK-Device CARELINE turns baubles into trinkets 2023-11-26T11:13:57
PDL-OpenCV ETJ PDL bindings for OpenCV $descrip_label \n=head1 SYNOPSIS \n use PDL::OpenCV$last; \n=cut \nuse strict; use warnings; use PDL::OpenCV; # get constants EOPM pp_addhdr(qq{#include "opencv_wrapper.h"\n#include "wraplocal.h"\n}); my @flist = genpp_readfile(''); my @topfuncs = grep $_->[0] eq '', @flist; my %class2func2suffix; if (@topfuncs) { pp_bless("PDL::OpenCV$last"); pp_addxs(<<EOF); # work around PP bug MODULE = ${main::PDLMOD} PACKAGE = ${main::PDLOBJ} EOF genpp(maybe_suffix \%class2func2suffix, @$_) for @topfuncs; } else { pp_addpm("=pod\n\nNone.\n\n=cut\n\n"); } for my $c (@classes) { pp_bless(my $fullclass = "PDL::OpenCV::$c"); pp_addxs(<<EOF); # work around PP bug MODULE = ${main::PDLMOD} PACKAGE = ${main::PDLOBJ} EOF my $doc = $class2doc{$c} // ''; $doc = text_trim doxy2pdlpod(doxyparse($doc)) if $doc; pp_addpm(<<EOD); 2023-03-26T06:02:44
PGObject-Util-LogRep-TestDecoding EINHVERFR Parse Pg's test_decoding messages 2023-11-12T02:29:08
PHP-Decode BDZ Parse and transform obfuscated php code 2023-05-16T13:31:35
PM-Packages GWYN Find all packages from a .pm file 2023-07-06T21:24:35
Parse-Date-Month-EN PERLANCAR Parse month name from English text 2023-07-24T00:05:44
Parse-FireDiamond PERLANCAR Parse Fire Diamond (NFPA 704) notation 2023-03-29T00:33:18
Path-Find GWYN Easily find files in a directory tree 2023-07-06T22:57:07
PayProp-API-Public-Client YANGAK PayProp API client 2023-10-30T13:58:35
Perinci-Examples-HTML PERLANCAR Examples related to HTML form generation 2023-01-29T00:05:24
Perl-Critic-Policy-Subroutines-ProhibitLvalueMethods HAARG Prohibit Methods being used as lvalues 2023-01-03T07:00:14
Perl-Types WBRASWELL enable Perl data types 2023-04-10T03:42:24
PerlX-SafeNav GUGOD Safe-navigation for Perl 2023-06-25T13:02:27
PerlX-ScopeFunction GUGOD – new keywords for creating scopes. 2023-03-09T14:53:31
Pg-SQL-PrettyPrinter DEPESZ Pretty printer for SQL queries 2023-09-24T08:24:12
Pheno-Ranker MRUEDA 2023-09-22T14:51:57
Plack-App-Login-Password SKIM Plack login/password application. 2023-05-29T22:02:54
Plack-App-Proxy-Anonymous DEXTER anonymous proxy requests 2023-06-28T21:25:07
Plack-App-Register SKIM Plack register application. 2023-06-24T16:08:55
Plack-App-Search SKIM Plack search application. 2023-06-08T14:34:55
Plack-Middleware-OpenTelemetry ABH Plack middleware to setup OpenTelemetry tracing 2023-12-02T19:21:27
Plugin-System PERLANCAR An opinionated plugin system for your Perl framework/application 2023-07-23T14:47:54
Pod-CopyrightYears SKIM Object for copyright years changing in POD. 2023-01-05T13:29:49
Pod-Markdown-Githubert MAUKE convert POD to Github-flavored Markdown 2023-12-01T05:30:50
Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-Author-PERLANCAR-NoRinci PERLANCAR PERLANCAR's default Pod::Weaver config (but without the Rinci weaver plugin) 2023-09-09T00:05:55
Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-Author-PERLANCAR-NoRinciAllowDupeSections PERLANCAR PERLANCAR's default Pod::Weaver config (but without the Rinci weaver plugin) 2023-12-04T08:46:24
Proc-ForkSafe SKAJI help make objects fork safe 2023-08-03T23:08:52
Process-SubProcess BODOLFO Library to manage Sub Processes as Objects 2023-03-29T07:15:49
Project2-Gantt BRAMOS Generate Gantt images 2023-01-31T11:56:36
RPM-Query MRDVT Perl object overlay of the RPM query command 2023-05-13T01:02:31
RPM-Verify TEODESIAN Run rpm -v on every installed rpm, and give you a descriptive hash of the relevant changes. 2023-12-06T15:47:25
RPi-MultiPCA9685 RJET control the PWM channels of several PCA9685 ICs in one go. 2023-09-25T16:34:51
RT-Extension-7zDownload LENDL RT-Extension-7zDownload Extension 2023-02-21T17:19:52
RT-Extension-CipherMailHeaders LENDL RT-Extension-CipherMailHeaders Extension 2023-04-18T11:17:50
RT-Extension-DynamicWebPath BPS RT-Extension-DynamicWebPath Extension 2023-03-01T15:06:40
RT-Extension-EmailReplyDelimiter AJWOOD Strip text from emails after a delimiter 2023-08-19T13:36:08
RT-Extension-NewTicketFromCorrespondence AJWOOD Make new tickets from correspondence 2023-08-17T22:33:46
RT-Extension-PinComment AJWOOD Add a "pin comment" feature to tickets 2023-08-19T22:42:11
RT-Extension-SwitchUsers BPS RT-Extension-SwitchUsers Extension 2023-12-15T21:43:41
Random-AcademicTitle-CZ SKIM Class for random Czech academic title. 2023-08-21T22:25:20
Random-Skew TRILLICH Set up a pool of items to return one of, randomly…with some more likely than others 2023-06-19T21:30:18
Random-Skew-Test TRILLICH Handy means for testing (and fine tuning) Random::Skew. 2023-06-19T21:30:29
Redis-Cluster-Fast PLAIN A fast perl binding for Redis Cluster 2023-02-02T19:14:20
Regexp-CharClasses-Thai EMUNDALL useful character properties for Thai regular expressions (regex) 2023-12-01T10:02:23
Regexp-Melody TOBYINK Melody is a language that compiles to regular expressions, while aiming to be more readable and maintainable 2023-01-04T23:21:30
Regexp-N_Queens ABIGAIL Abstract 2023-02-17T18:46:26
Reply-Plugin-Prompt FREED reply plugin for powerlevel10k style prompt 2023-02-26T13:37:11
Reply-Plugin-Prompt FREED reply plugin for powerlevel10k style prompt 2023-02-26T06:36:53
Require-HookChain-source-dzil_build PERLANCAR Load module source code from Dist::Zilla build files 2023-01-15T00:06:03
Require-HookChain-source-lcpan PERLANCAR Load module from local CPAN mirror 2023-10-15T00:05:45
Require-HookChain-source-metacpan PERLANCAR Prepend a piece of code to module source 2023-01-22T00:05:15
Resource-Silo KHEDIN lazy declarative resource container for Perl. 2023-08-12T21:03:44
Rex-CMDB-YAMLwithRoles VVELOX YAML-based CMDB provider for Rex with support for roles 2023-12-24T07:38:22
Role-Tiny-MonkeyPatch SCESANO monkey patch roles into existing classes 2023-01-07T15:18:15
Rope LNATION The great new Rope! 2023-08-15T14:51:14
SLUB-LZA-Rosetta-TA ART main module for ta-tool 2023-05-09T19:20:18
SMS-Send-CZ-Smseagle RADIUSCZ SMS::Send driver for SMSEagle – Czech Republic 2023-04-20T15:02:14
SMS-Send-IN-Textlocal INDRADG Regional context SMS::Send driver to send messages via Textlocal's India service ( ) 2023-02-14T16:07:26
SMS-Send-Plivo MIKEVNTNR SMS::Send backend for Plivo API 2023-05-06T02:27:29
SNMP_Session SKIM SNMPv1/v2 Protocol Handling 2023-05-02T13:00:34
SPRAGL-Cgi_read SPRAGL Barebones CGI. 2023-07-09T21:58:00
SPRAGL-Cgi_reply SPRAGL Simple HTTP replies. 2023-07-05T20:02:07
SPVM-Eg KIMOTO HTML 2023-12-25T06:59:52
SPVM-Encode KIMOTO Encode/Decode Strings 2023-12-22T06:14:35
SPVM-File-Basename KIMOTO Parsing File Path into Directory and Base Name. 2023-01-27T01:41:36
SPVM-File-Copy KIMOTO Copying and Moving Files 2023-02-09T05:35:31
SPVM-File-Find KIMOTO Short Description 2023-02-23T02:12:56
SPVM-File-Glob KIMOTO The glob Function 2023-02-16T01:35:58
SPVM-File-Path KIMOTO Creating and Removing Multi-Level Path 2023-02-15T01:07:08
SPVM-File-Spec KIMOTO foo 2023-02-03T22:32:02
SPVM-File-Temp KIMOTO Short Description 2023-02-21T05:37:07
SPVM-FindBin KIMOTO Locate Directory of Original Program 2023-02-07T01:12:58
SPVM-Getopt-Long KIMOTO Parsing Command Line Options 2023-12-06T05:44:20
SPVM-Go KIMOTO Goroutines of The Go Programming Language 2023-11-08T01:07:43
SPVM-HTTP-Minimal KIMOTO HTTP Client 2023-08-22T06:32:07
SPVM-Mozilla-CA KIMOTO Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format 2023-08-30T00:26:16
SPVM-Net-SSLeay KIMOTO SPVM bindings for OpenSSL 2023-08-31T01:33:14
SPVM-Resource-Libpng KIMOTO The Resource of The libpng Library 2023-04-05T01:41:17
SPVM-Resource-RE2 KIMOTO Google/RE2 Resources 2023-02-28T00:56:16
SPVM-Resource-Utf8proc KIMOTO Bundle of the utf8proc library 2023-12-24T23:50:03
SPVM-Thread KIMOTO Native Thread 2023-11-10T03:55:39
SPVM-Time-HiRes KIMOTO High Resolution Time 2023-11-27T02:24:13
SPVM-Time-Piece KIMOTO Dates and Times 2023-12-20T01:14:03
SPVM-Unicode-Normalize KIMOTO Normalizing UTF-8 2023-12-22T23:22:51
SQL-Inserter DKECHAG Fast buffered SQL/DBI inserts 2023-06-20T16:28:38
SVGPDF JV SVG renderer for PDF::API2 2023-12-25T15:36:39
SVN-Rami DANRR Automates merging to multiple branches 2023-05-03T03:16:24
Sah-Schemas-Array PERLANCAR Sah schemas related to array type 2023-02-12T00:05:58
Sah-Schemas-Calendar-Dates PERLANCAR Sah schemas related to Calendar::Dates 2023-07-02T01:10:28
Sah-Schemas-Code PERLANCAR Various schemas related to 'code' type and coderefs 2023-09-05T00:05:57
Schedule-SGELK LSKATZ 2023-08-11T16:45:12
Search-ElasticDirect MPOURASG An interface to ElasticSearch API, version independent 2023-03-20T11:48:51
Seq DAVIDRAAB A lazy sequence implementation 2023-11-21T00:38:56
Seq-Iter PERLANCAR Generate a coderef iterator from a sequence of items, the last of which can be a coderef to produce more items 2023-11-21T03:30:18
Set-Select PJUHASZ select common subsets from two or more sets 2023-05-24T15:22:23
Set-Streak PERLANCAR Routines related to streaks (longest appearance in consecutive sets) 2023-11-23T15:02:15
SignalWire-CompatXML BWEST Light and fast CompatXML generator 2023-06-01T13:17:30
SignalWire-ML BWEST 2023-06-01T13:16:03
SignalWire-RestAPI BWEST Accessing SignalWire's REST API with Perl 2023-06-01T13:17:41
Signature-Attribute-Alias PEVANS make signature parameters that alias caller-provided values 2023-09-08T22:22:34
Signature-Attribute-Checked PEVANS apply value constraint checks to subroutine parameters 2023-09-18T20:26:59
Silicon-Chip PRBRENAN Design a silicon chip by combining gates and sub chips. 2023-10-25T22:46:48
Silicon-Chip-Btree PRBRENAN Implement a B-Tree as a silicon chip. 2023-11-11T04:13:38
Slick RAWLEYFOW A PSGI framework for building REST api's in Perl. 2023-07-31T20:27:28
SlideMap JWHITE Perl module for the creation of MicroArray slide maps 2023-08-11T13:28:37
SlideMap JWHITE Perl module for the creation of MicroArray slide maps 2023-08-11T13:35:08
SlideMap JWHITE Perl module for the creation of MicroArray slide maps 2023-08-14T12:42:15
Socket-More-Constants DRCLAW Networking constants for your system 2023-10-11T19:30:43
Sort-Sub-by_spec PERLANCAR Sort by spec 2023-09-06T05:37:11
Spreadsheet-Edit JIMAVERA Slice and dice spreadsheets, optionally using tied variables. 2023-02-08T02:01:32
Spreadsheet-Examples PERLANCAR A collection of various examples of spreadsheet files 2023-11-09T04:04:42
Spreadsheet-ReadGnumeric RGRJR turn a Gnumeric file into a Spreadsheet::Read data structure 2023-01-31T22:05:51
Spreadsheet-ReadGnumeric RGRJR turn a Gnumeric file into a Spreadsheet::Read data structure 2023-01-15T22:18:45
Statistics SUMAN 2023-10-16T08:15:49
Statocles-Plugin-Highlight-Kamelon VOEGELAS Highlight code 2023-08-09T14:29:04
Story-Interact TOBYINK tools for writing (and reading) an interactive story 2023-01-11T17:15:12
Story-Interact-WWW TOBYINK mojolicious app to read interactive stories 2023-01-20T10:53:41
String-License JONASS detect source code license statements in a text string 2023-01-14T09:40:56
String-Switches RJBS functions for parsing /switches and similarly constructed strings 2023-07-09T20:14:13
String-UpdateYears SKIM Look for year or years range in string and update years 2023-01-23T16:45:47
Sub-Middler DRCLAW Middleware subroutine chaining 2023-02-27T08:32:56
Suck-Huggingface TTKCIAR Clone huggingface repos and then download their models 2023-06-26T01:07:40
Svg-Simple PRBRENAN Write SVG using Perl syntax. 2023-10-22T23:20:56
Syntax-Infix-Smartmatch LEONT Smartmatch done right 2023-07-07T13:28:54
Syntax-Operator-Identical PEVANS almost certainly a terrible idea; don't use this 2023-07-21T11:53:39
Syntax-Operator-Matches TOBYINK match::simple but as a real infix operator 2023-07-07T21:44:39
Synth-Config GENE Synthesizer settings librarian 2023-06-27T14:49:42
Sys-GetRandom MAUKE Perl interface to getrandom(2) 2023-02-10T00:59:26
Sys-Tlock SPRAGL Locks with timeouts. 2023-05-04T11:12:44
Sys-Virt-IO-Async EHUELS IO::Async event loop integration for Sys::Virt libvirt bindings 2023-06-03T11:54:45
System-CPU DKECHAG Cross-platform CPU information / topology with no dependencies 2023-09-20T23:06:39
TAP-Formatter-GitHubActions JGOMEZ TAP Formatter for GitHub Actions 2023-11-28T21:44:42
TOBYINK-Test-Template TOBYINK Skeleton distribution for testing purposes 2023-01-24T17:46:33
TableData-Acme-CPANAuthors PERLANCAR Authors listed in a Acme::CPANAuthors::* module 2023-07-26T00:06:14
TableData-Acme-CPANModules PERLANCAR Entries from a Acme::CPANModules::* module 2023-07-28T00:05:12
TableData-Business-ID-KAN-Client-Lab-Testing PERLANCAR Accredited testing laboratories 2023-12-31T00:05:37
TableData-Calendar-Date-Holiday-ID PERLANCAR Indonesian holiday dates 2023-07-02T01:11:54
TableData-Chemistry-Element PERLANCAR Chemical elements 2023-02-05T09:40:44
TableData-Perl-CPAN-Release-Dynamic PERLANCAR CPAN releases 2023-12-28T06:17:01
TableData-Perl-CPAN-Release-Static-2023 PERLANCAR CPAN releases for the year 2023 2023-11-20T02:27:50
TableData-Perl-CPAN-Release-Static-2024 PERLANCAR CPAN releases for the year 2024 2023-11-20T04:56:56
TableData-Size-DisplayResolution PERLANCAR Display resolution sizes 2023-06-13T05:55:33
TableData-Size-Mattress PERLANCAR Mattress sizes 2023-07-12T00:06:00
TableData-WordList PERLANCAR List of words from a WordList module 2023-12-03T00:06:11
TableDataBundle-Business-ID-BBIA PERLANCAR Collection of TableData:: modules related to BBIA (Balai Besar Industri Agro) 2023-02-20T12:01:10
TableDataBundle-Test PERLANCAR Collection of more TableData::Test::* modules for testing 2023-02-11T04:09:32
TableDataRole-Spec-TableDef PERLANCAR Role to require methods related to TableDef 2023-02-25T01:28:01
Tags-HTML-Container SKIM Tags helper for HTML container. 2023-05-29T21:53:38
Tags-HTML-Login-Access SKIM Tags helper for login access. 2023-05-29T22:00:36
Tags-HTML-Login-Register SKIM Tags helper for login register. 2023-06-21T10:38:58
Tags-HTML-Textarea SKIM Tags helper for textarea. 2023-12-30T19:21:45
Task-BeLike-PERLANCAR-Used PERLANCAR All my modules which I currently use and install on a new perl installation 2023-07-07T06:30:03
Task-BeLike-RWP RWP Perl modules bundle to install from CPAN 2023-02-12T18:05:20
Task-FASTQTools CHRISARG Provide native perl tools for manipulating FASTQ files 2023-09-30T00:53:30
Tcl-Tk-Tkwidget-treectrl VKON 2023-12-24T18:30:36
Tcl-Tk-Tkwidget-treectrl VKON 2023-12-24T19:47:37
Tcl-Tk-Tkwidget-treectrl VKON 2023-12-25T16:17:35
Tcl-Tk-Tkwidget-treectrl VKON 2023-12-31T14:06:53
Term-Output-List CORION output an updateable list of ongoing jobs 2023-07-21T19:23:25
Term-Tmux-StatusBar FREED change tmux status bar. 2023-08-31T11:26:37
Terse-Es LNATION Terse Elasticsearch. 2023-02-02T21:50:50
Terse-Plugin-CHI LNATION Terse response cache 2023-02-03T19:28:57
Terse-Plugin-DBI LNATION DBI in Terse 2023-01-30T11:32:21
Terse-Plugin-Glitch LNATION The great new Terse::Plugin::Glitch! 2023-02-12T06:02:32
Terse-Plugin-UA LNATION Terse LWP::UserAgent plugin. 2023-02-01T17:48:15
Terse-Runtime LNATION Terse Runtime 2023-02-17T22:52:09
Terse-View-TT LNATION Terse Template Toolkit View 2023-08-06T19:16:12
Test-Builder-SubtestSelection SVW Select subtests by name or by number 2023-02-23T17:20:32
Test-CVE HMBRAND Test current release against CVE's 2023-11-27T14:42:35
Test-Database-Temp MIKKOI Create temporary test databases and run tests in all available ones 2023-11-28T21:16:49
Test-Future-IO-Impl PEVANS acceptance tests for Future::IO implementations 2023-04-25T12:01:17
Test-Mojo-Role-OpenAPI-Modern ETHER Test::Mojo role providing access to an OpenAPI document and parser 2023-12-09T22:47:03
Test-Neo4j-Types AJNN Tools for testing Neo4j type modules 2023-08-01T14:02:31
Test-NoTty NWCLARK 2023-02-26T10:37:32
Test-Tk HANJE Testing Tk widgets. 2023-01-17T20:47:04
Test-cpan-versioning KARASIK Testing how CPAN uploader treats non-standard version 2023-02-10T08:51:01
Test2-Formatter-YAMLEnhancedTAP JGOMEZ YAML-enhanced TAP output for your tests 2023-12-01T22:15:10
Text-ASCII-Convert FKENTO Perl module to convert non-ASCII characters to their ASCII equivalents 2023-09-18T19:38:38
Text-ASCIITable-EasyTable BIGFOOT Create ASCII tables easily 2023-01-16T14:55:10
Text-MustacheTemplate KARUPA mustache template engine 2023-12-13T11:56:35
Text-Treesitter PEVANS Perl binding for tree-sitter 2023-01-04T01:49:39
Text-Wrap-NoStrip PERLANCAR Line wrapping without stripping the whitespace 2023-02-18T10:27:29
TextDoc-Examples PERLANCAR A collection of various examples of word-processor text document files 2023-11-17T08:07:28
TheSchwartz-JobScheduler MIKKOI Lightweight TheSchwartz job dispatcher 2023-12-02T10:55:50
Thread-CSP LEONT Communicating sequential processes threading for Perl 2023-05-09T13:09:16
Thread-GoChannel LEONT Fast thread queues with go-like semantics 2023-02-24T16:34:05
Tie-Array-NoOp PERLANCAR Tied array that does nothing 2023-12-27T06:08:04
Tie-Handle-Base HAUKEX A base class for tied filehandles 2023-01-18T15:49:39
Tie-Hash-NoOp PERLANCAR Tied hash that does nothing 2023-12-27T07:00:14
Tie-Indirect JIMAVERA tie variables to access data located at run-time. 2023-02-07T23:45:20
Tie-Scalar-NoOp PERLANCAR Tied scalar that does nothing 2023-12-26T04:53:16
TimeZone-TimeZoneDB NHORNE Interface to for looking up Timezone data 2023-04-07T15:43:00
Tk-ColorEntry HANJE Entry widget with a Tk::PopColor widget attached. 2023-03-21T20:25:32
Tk-DocumentTree HANJE ITree based document list 2023-06-30T18:59:51
Tk-ITree HANJE Shamelessly copied Tk::Tree widget 2023-06-29T21:10:15
Tk-ListEntry HANJE BrowseEntry like widgetwithout button 2023-06-05T22:30:48
Tk-PopList HANJE Popping a selection list relative to a widget 2023-02-28T17:37:58
Tk-QuickForm HANJE Quickly set up a form. 2023-06-25T20:05:39
Tk-TabbedForm HANJE NoteBook based form editor 2023-06-24T10:41:28
Tk-YADialog HANJE Yet another dialog 2023-06-06T13:40:02
Tk-YANoteBook HANJE Yet another NoteBook widget 2023-06-06T14:55:11
Travel-Routing-DE-HAFAS DERF Interface to HAFAS itinerary services 2023-11-16T20:28:48
Trog-TOTP TEODESIAN Interface to RFC6238 two factor authentication (2FA) 2023-12-05T20:52:16
Tuple-Munge ZEFRAM manipulate Perl's tuple object representations 2023-03-29T16:11:37
Type-Alias KFLY type alias for type constraints 2023-07-30T05:44:29
Types-Equal KFLY type constraints for single string equality 2023-08-14T00:32:06
Unit-Simple COSMOLOJ representation of an unit defined by itself 2023-04-25T20:45:03
VM-HetznerCloud PERLSRVDE Perl library to work with the API for the Hetzner Cloud 2023-06-16T14:09:39
Validate-CodiceFiscale POLETTIX Validate an Italian "Codice Fiscale" 2023-03-18T20:30:32
Video-NRK-Cache AJNN Cache NRK Video on Demand broadcasts for offline viewing 2023-03-06T17:59:10
Virani VVELOX PCAP retrieval for a FPC setup writing to PCAP files. 2023-03-14T18:28:55
VisualCrossing-API DUANEMAY provides perl API to VisualCrossing 2023-05-29T18:39:54
WQS-SPARQL SKIM Wikidata Query Service SPARQL class. 2023-05-26T12:45:25
WQS-SPARQL-Query SKIM Useful Wikidata Query Service SPARQL queries. 2023-05-26T08:09:33
WQS-SPARQL-Result SKIM Processing Wikidata Query Service SPARQL result. 2023-05-26T08:23:55
WWW-Crawl BOD A simple web crawler for extracting links and more from web pages 2023-09-29T23:47:32
WWW-Mechanize-Chrome-DOMops BLIAKO Operations on the DOM 2023-08-11T21:21:35
WWW-PiHole RWP Perl interface to Pi-hole 2023-03-04T20:43:43
WWW-Plivo-API MIKEVNTNR Accessing Plivo via Perl 2023-05-06T17:47:10
WWW-Suffit ABALAMA The Suffit core library 2023-07-31T13:09:19
WWW-Suffit-API ABALAMA The Suffit API 2023-12-12T14:45:21
WWW-Suffit-AuthDB ABALAMA Suffit Authorization Database 2023-12-12T14:53:32
WWW-Suffit-Client ABALAMA The Suffit API client library 2023-08-03T16:00:44
WWW-Suffit-Plugin-BasicAuth ABALAMA The Mojolicious Plugin for HTTP basic authentication and authorization 2023-12-07T13:54:00
WWW-Suffit-Plugin-CommonHelpers ABALAMA Common helpers plugin for Suffit API servers 2023-12-07T13:55:26
WWW-Suffit-Plugin-ServerInfo ABALAMA The WWW::Suffit Plugin for show Server and Perl environment data 2023-12-07T14:02:02
WWW-Suffit-Plugin-Syslog ABALAMA A plugin for enabling logging to syslog for Suffit API servers 2023-12-07T13:55:30
WWW-Suffit-Server ABALAMA The Suffit API server library 2023-08-24T16:45:37
WWW-Suffit-UserAgent ABALAMA Suffit API user agent library 2023-07-31T17:37:38
Weather-Astro7Timer DKECHAG Simple client for the Weather Forecast service 2023-03-27T00:43:58
Weather-Meteo NHORNE Interface to for historical weather data 2023-02-28T16:13:50
Weather-WeatherKit DKECHAG Apple WeatherKit REST API client 2023-02-22T00:05:38
Web-PerlDistSite TOBYINK generate fairly flashy websites for CPAN distributions 2023-03-29T20:49:20
WebService-DS-SOP-Auth-V1_1 DSSYSTEM SOP version 1.1 authentication module 2023-01-06T06:07:12
WebService-IdoitAPI MAMAWE a library to access the i-doit JSON RPC API 2023-02-17T14:37:36
WebService-OpenSky OVID Perl interface to the OpenSky Network API 2023-06-01T08:26:59
WebService-Readwise LANCEW Perl module to interact with API:w 2023-11-04T16:28:42
WebService-Tuya-IoT-API MRDVT Perl library to access the Tuya IoT API 2023-03-08T15:20:41
WebService-Whistle-Pet-Tracker-API MRDVT Perl interface to access the Whistle Pet Tracker Web Service 2023-05-13T00:35:56
Wikibase-Cache SKIM Wikibase cache. 2023-04-05T21:27:59
Wikibase-Cache-Backend SKIM Wikibase cache backend abstract class. 2023-04-13T07:25:06
Wikibase-Cache-Backend-Basic SKIM Wikibase cache backend to local static basic ids (units, common properties). 2023-04-05T21:32:03
Wikibase-Datatype-Query SKIM Query class on Wikibase item. 2023-10-27T15:23:32
Wikidata-Reconcilation SKIM Wikidata reconcilation abstract class. 2023-05-26T13:15:50
Win-SerialPort ZHUMARIN User interface to Win32 Serial API calls 2023-09-30T19:57:54
Workflow-Inotify BIGFOOT Linux::Inotify2 wrapper 2023-02-09T19:50:39
Wrapper-GetoptLong NGABRIEL A wrapper for the Getopt::Long module 2023-02-08T04:50:45
X11-korgwm ZHMYLOVE a tiling window manager for X11 2023-10-18T00:18:58
XML-XPath-Helper-Const AAHAZRED The great new XML::XPath::Helper::Const! 2023-01-15T19:19:39
XS-Parse-Keyword-FromPerl PEVANS drive XS::Parse::Keyword directly from Perl 2023-02-16T23:33:53
YAML-PP-Schema-Env SREZIC YAML::PP schema for evaluating environment variables 2023-01-28T14:45:14
YAML-PP-YAMLScript INGY YAML Load YAMLScript Code as Data 2023-07-11T11:41:58
YAMLScript-FFI INGY Program in YAML 2023-12-23T14:54:49
YAMLScript-Lingy INGY Program in YAML 2023-12-29T18:00:56
YAMLStar INGY A cross-language, common API YAML reference framework 2023-04-19T13:42:21
Zero-Emulator PRBRENAN Assemble and execute the Zero programming language. 2023-05-07T02:24:38
Zero-Emulator PRBRENAN Assemble and execute the Zero programming language. 2023-05-07T03:05:04
Zoom-Meeting RWP Launch Zoom meetings via Perl 2023-06-04T18:14:00
assign INGY Enable Destructuring Assignment Syntax in Perl 2023-05-03T14:24:18
builtin-Backport PEVANS provide backported builtin functions for earlier Perl versions 2023-07-27T16:50:12
config DART Perl module constant configurator 2023-09-08T12:01:41
cve-client LANODAN 2023-03-27T09:50:29
emailvalidation EVERAPI validate & verify any email address 2023-06-20T15:05:35
emailvalidation EVERAPI validate & verify any email address 2023-06-21T12:07:17
emailvalidation EVERAPI validate & verify any email address 2023-06-21T12:45:22
exact-fun GRYPHON Functions and methods with parameter lists for exact 2023-08-19T16:59:03
immutable INGY Immutable Data Structures for Perl 2023-06-25T15:38:53
ipgrep RRWO grep files by CIDR 2023-11-07T16:54:39
jacode INA Perl program for Japanese character code conversion 2023-04-15T11:23:18
mccs IDOPEREL Fully-featured static file server. 2023-08-06T12:22:15
meta PEVANS meta-programming API (PLACEHOLDER) 2023-09-20T10:39:18
mimedefang GBECHIS Plugin to monitor various MIMEDefang statistics. 2023-04-04T09:17:43
mojo-debugbar CRLCU A nice Debugbar that helps developers using Mojolicious framework 2023-03-27T12:59:06
mojo-util-collection CRLCU 2023-12-20T11:17:26
pica-data VOJ PICA record processing 2023-03-15T12:15:41
sakisafe QORG Simple file uploader using Mojolicious 2023-03-13T14:43:54
tmux-status-bar FREED change tmux status bar. 2023-08-30T18:20:04


Number of new CPAN distributions this period: 856

Number of authors releasing new CPAN distributions this period: 222

Authors by number of new CPAN distributions this period:

No Author Distributions
2 SKIM 47
4 LEONT 20
9 GENE 11
10 JGNI 11
12 DART 10
13 RWP 10
14 HANJE 10
16 GARU 9
21 INGY 7
30 MRDVT 5
32 BOD 5
39 VKON 4
40 PROCH 4
41 AJNN 4
45 INA 4
46 FREED 4
49 RRWO 3
52 CRLCU 3
56 DAMI 3
58 BWEST 3
59 SANKO 3
60 BURAK 3
65 GWYN 3
67 KFLY 3
68 BDFOY 3
70 MAUKE 3
71 SKAJI 3
79 RGRJR 2
84 NEILB 2
85 GUGOD 2
86 OVID 2
97 BPS 2
99 JV 2
100 CONTRA 2
104 ARIDEV 2
108 SVW 2
109 QORG 2
111 FKENTO 2
112 LENDL 2
113 KETS 2
119 GSG 2
120 RENEEB 2
122 HANGY 2
123 RKAPL 2
125 BRAMOS 2
128 ZDENEK 1
129 ART 1
130 TONYC 1
132 LEEJO 1
133 JAJM 1
136 JONASS 1
138 RJBS 1
142 TABULO 1
143 SUMAN 1
145 PLAIN 1
146 KRAIH 1
147 MIKEM 1
151 HADFL 1
153 WHOM 1
154 SUKRIA 1
156 VEESH 1
158 GOMOR 1
159 KAARE 1
160 RJET 1
162 DEPESZ 1
163 RWF 1
165 TROTH 1
166 HAARG 1
169 CYFUNG 1
170 ETJ 1
171 CGPAN 1
172 NYRDZ 1
173 ETHER 1
174 RAGE 1
175 JAVIER 1
176 ABH 1
177 VIKAS 1
179 TEEJAY 1
180 MAMAWE 1
183 YANGAK 1
184 DERF 1
186 PACMAN 1
187 PYH 1
188 JOYREX 1
191 DORNER 1
192 DANRR 1
193 SREZIC 1
195 KARUPA 1
196 SENGER 1
198 LARRYL 1
201 CNG 1
203 KHEDIN 1
204 MARKOV 1
207 BDZ 1
212 VOJ 1
213 LANCEW 1
214 AZOMER 1
215 LION 1
219 ZEFRAM 1
221 TINITA 1

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